
Friday, 3 January 2014

New Year, New Adventures for ST

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! I would like to officially welcome you to the year 2014 on ST. This is my third year into blogging and my blog’s second birthday in May. First and foremost Thank You for being with the Signature Toscie Fashion Blog through the journey of 2013 and for coming along in the upcoming adventures of 2014.  A BIG Welcome to those future readers that are to come in 2014. I hope and Pray that twenty fourteen will be a most Gorgeous and Glamorous year to come!

To kick off 2014 I will just quickly share what to expect on the blog this January. First I’m featuring my very first guest blogger, LindaDulani of the local Zim blog Shoe Tribe. She will give a rundown on what she loves about shoes and what shoe trends to spot this 2014 summer. Next I’m going to get an insider look into emerging designer Natasha Kagoro of the label Black Excellence. Now some of you may know Black Excellence from FWZ, but on the new segment to follow I will be looking at what makes this young lady tick. And then finally my outfit ensembles; I will be continuing to share my style inspirations, what I wear during the weekend and why I wore it. I call them Weekend Ensemble because really it’s the only time that I ever go out and get a chance to dress up! I will also continue with styling tips and information through The GLAM Project, where I will share dressing, wardrobe maintenance and co-ordination. I’ve become a very strong critic towards what to wear, and to were. It’s unfortunate that young women assume that some fashion trends can be taken anywhere and everywhere, but to be honest that’s really not the case. There’s a time and place for a certain ensemble and a certain trend, the trick is to co-ordinate.

So I’m excited to see what 2014 has instore for me, for you and for Signature Toscie. I’m hoping for more glamour, more exciting fashion events in Harare, some really good street fashion from the Harare Ladies and Gents, and the empowerment of a sector that is still ridiculed and sometimes questionable. But alas, my resolution is to contribute to see the growth of this sector and maybe cultivate a new function; I’m not sure how but I know I will start with my blog.

Photos Courtesy of Charlotte Russe via Google+
So here’s to a Glamorous New Year with New Adventures!

Yours in Glamour...

Stay Gorg and Glam,


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